BELS & Toy Library Policies
Governance and Management
The BELS and TL has Management Committee of five Trustees and three Advisors who meet every four to six weeks to oversee the running of the Charity. There are subgroups who work on specific issues such as fundraising and health and safety and Management Committee Lead Roles for safeguarding and policies.
The individuals making up the Management Committee have a wide range of knowledge and skills. They have a wealth of experience gathered over the years, and added to with continuous professional development.
All Staff, Volunteers, Advisors to the Management Committee and Trustees undertake Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults training to an appropriate level. Staff and Volunteers undertake other training such as First Aid at work, Food Hygiene and Manual Handling Awareness.
The Charity has written policies to cover all areas of it’s work. These are reviewed and updated on a regular basis. All policies can be requested via email.